Some interesting items noted from the Churchwarden Accounts
Most items recorded in these accounts refer to repairs to the Church or the Guildhall, but some have an interesting look about them!
1590 Laid out in metal towards the getting of the new bell and two hand bells, 5 shillings.
1615 Bread and cheese when the bell was hung, 1 shilling.
1620 Pulpit, 7/6d. Communion Table, 3/6d.
1660 Churchwardens receive rent for Vicars Grove, 5 shillings.
1682 For a pound of raisins, 4 pence. Tobacco and pipes, 6 pence.
1716 For a horse block set up by churchyard gate, 7 shillings.
1721 Mending of the stocks and new lock, 4 shillings. Expended on assistants in getting rid of 6 Frenchmen which came into the The Street, 1 shilling.
1760 Paid two lads for catching 15 dozen sparrows, 3/10d.
1775 Paid Thomas Miller for umbrella for use of Minister at funerals, 18/0d.
1805 Five pots of beer for bricklayers, 2/11d.