History Note No.26: Occupations
Various occupations of Wenhaston residents through the years
Various occupations of Wenhaston residents through the years
Nowadays there are only a few signs of business in the village. To name a few one notes Wootens Nursery, Blythweb, The Star and PJN Motor Engineering.
However if one should go back to the Census Returns of 1871, one finds that the village is overflowing with activity. Naturally the largest section is Agricultural Labourers totalling 149 but there are also 19 Farmers, 14 Shoemakers, 10 Dress Makers, 18 Servants, 7 Needlewomen and 6 Blacksmiths.
36 other occupations are listed including: 2 Bakers, 5 Grocers, 2 Butchers, 2 Inn Keepers, 5 Millers, 3 Millwrights, 1 Tailor and a Straw Bonnet Maker!
The total population in 1871 was 914, consisting of 470 males and 444 females with 226 houses inhabited and 19 empty.